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Revealing Nature Talks:
Professor Nicholas Humphrey -
Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness

Thursday May 3 2012

7.30 – 9.30pm

How is consciousness possible? What biological purpose does it serve? Why do we value it so highly? In this talk, Nicholas Humphrey, a leading figure in consciousness research, returns to the front-line with a startling new theory. Consciousness, he argues, is nothing less than a magical-mystery show that we stage for ourselves inside our own heads. This self-made show lights up the world for us, making us feel special and transcendent.

Nicholas Humphrey is a theoretical psychologist, based in Cambridge,  who is known for his work on the evolution of human intelligence and consciousness. His interests are wide ranging. He studied mountain gorillas with Dian Fossey in Rwanda, he was the first to demonstrate the existence of “blindsight” after brain damage in monkeys, he proposed the celebrated theory of the "social function of intellect", and he is the only scientist ever to edit the literary journal Granta. 
His books include Consciousness Regained, The Inner Eye, A History of the Mind, Leaps of Faith, The Mind Made Flesh, Seeing Red and most recently, Soul Dust. He has been the recipient of several honours, including the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize, and the British Psychological Society’s book award.

Organised by
ideas connecting people


Tickets: £8  /  £6 (concess. - OAP/under 25)
Available from

70 Station Road, Westbury,
Wiltshire BA13 3JN 

Tel: 01373 302552 / 07875 628899 

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Revealing Nature Talks