Current Events
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Teatime Concert: 2bas – Matthew Blunt and Henry Lindsay
Sunday 2nd June
Doors: 5pm // Concert 5:30pm
2bas is a fresh new duo who describe their programme of transcriptions and original compositions as ‘a fun-filled and extraordinary experience.’ Those who were lucky enough to see Henry’s virtuoso solo at a previous Coffee Concert will know that 2bas’ programme will be extraordinary indeed.
This is the first of three early summertime concerts from the Frome Concerts Group – the two further performances in this series are from
Marciana Buta and Rebecca Herman on 19th May, and from Jordan Bowron String Quartet on 16th June.
£8 pounds (21 and under £4) // Subscription to all 3 concerts £18 (21 and under £9)
Send SAE and cheque payable to Frome Concerts Group to: FCG, Zachary's Mill, Egford Hill, Frome, BA11 3JP