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BIM Seminar: South West Hub 2nd session for 2013
Wednesday 27th March
16:30 - 18:00
The South West BIM hub presents a case study approach to BIM 4 SMEs in Architecture
Andrew de Silva ‘Das’ from davidmillerarchitects
Andrew will:
- Summarise the Process, Benefits and Costs associated with BIM, and its implementation, from an Architect’s, Design Team and Stakeholders’ points of view through the project lifecycle.
- Showcase a couple of the smaller projects that we have worked on to explain how BIM has enriched and streamlined the design and delivery process.
- Provide an overview of the type of work that we are now able to deliver as a result of using BIM tools.
Bill Pier and Derek Marshall from NC Architects
The main focus of their talk will be a case study of two projects being done using BIM. The first project is for Ferrari Maserati and it demonstrates the efficiencies of BIM for a small practice on a multimillion pound project. The second will be a small complex block of residential flats for a housing developer in St Albans. This project demonstrates how 3D BIM helped us accurately resolve the structure in the computer as well as easily and accurately communicating our designs to the on-site team allowing them to construct the roof with no delays, problems or queries.
Cost: £10 (free to UWE staff and students)
Contact: Tan Moore
Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 83210
Or visit the UWE events page to register online
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