Rook Lane Blog

Blog Archives

Chris Jelley: Flycatchers and Winding Charms

Posted on January 6, 2014

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Come and join award winning digital artist and story-teller Christopher Jelley, for a talk on how to inspire young readers by creating adventurous outdoor stories in the wilderness of West Somerset.

Break 3 Teacher Talks: Tales in Trails with Chris Jelley

Posted on January 6, 2014

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An afternoon talk from award winning story-teller and digital artist Chris Jelley for anyone working in education who want to learn more about how to inspire an adventurour approach to reading.

Architecture Club presents….Ed Hollis: The Secret Life of Buildings

Posted on December 12, 2013

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The second in our latest seaon of talks about architecure, planning and our environment. Open to everyone (not just architects), these talks intend to stimulate discussion about why we build what we build.

Architecture Club presents….Destination Antarctica with Hugh Broughton

Posted on December 12, 2013

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The first in this seaon’s talks on architecure featuring Hugh Broughton, whose architectural practice desgined the space-age Halley VI Antarctic Research Station.

ARCHITECTURE CLUB presets Liza Fior of muf architecture / art

Posted on October 9, 2013

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Groundbreaking collaboration muf have broken all the rules about where art ends and architecture begins, and are continuing to gather worldwide acclaim for their designs.

ARCHITECTURE CLUB presents Owen Hatherley : Why is British Architecture so Bad?

Posted on October 9, 2013

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Acclaimed architectural writer Owen Hatherley discusses and interrogates the building schemes of the 2000s, and asks a contentious question of those responsible for them. Come along for a night of discussion and debate, or to offer your thoughts on the state of British Architecture.

SAW presents… Artists Sue Palmer and Hannah Still discuss art and gardens.

Posted on September 20, 2013

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An inspirational talk that explores the artistic response to the garden and its social politics.

ARCHITECTURE CLUB presents: Charles Holland

Posted on September 3, 2013

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ARCHITECTURE CLUB presents Charles Holland from FAT Architecture in the first of a series of six talks designed to stimulate ideas and debate around architecture, space and the built environment.

Frome Stop the War Campaign presents: War……..What is it Good For?

Posted on August 13, 2013

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The latest evening hosted by Frome Stop the War Campaign, featuring talks from Jeremy Corbyn MP, Dr Sami Ramadani and Dan Glazebook.

Persistent jet contrails and weather manipulation – Public talk on geoengineering

Posted on May 29, 2013

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An introduction to the theory of geoengineering, including a free talk from David Lim.

Rook Lane Chapel

Available to the community as the perfect setting to showcase skills and artistic talent, this prestigious venue is used for performances and exhibitions.

Around the chapel

Venue Hire

For information on hiring the venue for events/ exhibitions please do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss available dates & times.

Venue Hire

Wedding Hire

This magnificent Grade I listed building in the heart of Frome, Somerset provides the most elegant and timeless of surroundings for your special day.
